Indoagrico – Plant ash is a powdery residue that usually remains after plants have been burned. It is made up of mainly calcium carbonate and with little traces of potassium chloride. Plant ash has many uses ranging from application as an amendment to acidic soils to a substitute for limestone fertilizer. In this article, we will look at the various and future uses of plant ash all over the world.
Ritual Use
Before we discuss the ritual uses of plant ash, it is worth noting the religious role that palm leaveshave always played. The date palm has been mentioned several times in the bible and their ashes have been described to play ritual roles in Jewish and Christian ceremonies. Palm leaves and palm ash each have major ritual significance. Catholics observe Palm Sunday by carrying fresh palm leaves have a major significance in the Christian faith with the burning of leaves from Palm Sunday observances giving way to the purchase of ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Condimental Use
Salt is one of the most essential elements of cooking all over the world. This means that in the event of its lack, another alternative has to be sought. Potassium chloride which is plant salt has been found to have the ability to serve as the best substitute. Palm leaves are the most commonly preferred to make palm ash salt. African palm oil is the most used in making palm salt.
Making Soap
Palm ash is also a widely used agent in various recipes for the African black soap. It is regarded as a desirable component in artisanal soap making, as well as possessing several present and potential industrial uses. This soap contains the African palm oil with, however, most of its ingredients not naming the source of the ash, which also typically contains African palm oil. This soap name comes from the Yoruba of West Africa which is why West Africa appears to be the major commercial source of this soap.
Treatment For Swelling
Salt has been shown to be a universal ingredient in many medicaments. For example, the traditional medicine in the Malay Peninsula consisted of a mixture of coconut shell ash, garlic, pepper, and vinegar which was given to women after giving birth. The ash and vinegar alone are applied on the body as a remedy for swelling.
Tooth Ache Remedy
The nipa palm leaf ash has been for long used as a toothache remedy in East Asia. According to the ancient Islamic history, palm leaf ash which was supposed to be from date palm was used to treat a bleeding wound. The ash resulting from the burned Amazonian jará palm fruit has also been used as an antidote in South America. It was also used to curare-poison arrow wound.
Palm ash is one of the many products that are often discarded by many people because of their simple nature. However, unknown to them are the many rewards and benefits that this product possesses. With all these benefits, I hope that you will be able to make great use of this product.